Stuff (I don't just talk about 1 think so it is hard to make a title)

The picture of the person hanging on the door is Becca. I think she is going to come to the Bill Berhens meetings at least once. She like the idea of getting to put MD breakfast on Pastor Starrs head. I hope she come cause she is not coming to school this year but thats ok.
The picture of the person on the bed is me at reteriet. Becca took it. I took the one of her =)
I was talking to my homeroom teacher tonight at the oreantation (sp) and she was saying that she thinks each day one of the students will have to do a devition in a rotation schedual. I think that would be cool.
Also I found out that there is a new 11th grader. They thought she was 10th but shes 11th and David registered so we arn't an all girls class anymore. The new kid is a girl but Davids not. So we have 8 in our class and we have homeroom with the 10th graders who have 6. So I think it will be fun. Ther arn't to many new kids. And the closer school gets the more I think I am ready for it just so I can get it over with. Yes I graduate next year just so all of you know. I plan to go to West Coast Bible college. You can visit there web page at and If anyone wants to get me a birthday present they can get me a CD. There are a few I really like. But whatever. I zm going to be 17 aahhhhhhhhhh I am getting old. I am going to have gray hair soon. that really stinks. Then I will Have to color my hair. Hopefully that won't be to soon. =)
You are turning SEVENTEEN!
Would you stop worrying about your hair!?
Yeah! You have other things to worry about like learning how to spell!
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