I do not like doctors. I hurt my wrist in a vollyball game a few weeks back. And I knew it was injured but not broken more then that I did not know so I went to the doctor figuring that after 2 weeks something might actually be wrong with it and that he could tell me what was wrong and how to fix it. Nope he told me there are 2 bones in my wrist/arm and the names of them (ulna and radius) which I already knew from Biology then he told me there is tissue in between the two bones (another thing I knew from Biology) and he told me I hurt that tissue which I did not know (I thought I had done something to a bone on my arm) but he does not know how to fix it so instead I have to wait for 1 or 2 more weeks and if it does not get better then I go to a specialist. Goody I am not looking forward for that. Anyhow today my arm hurt so bad I could not move it and the office did not have ice so I was in pain all day. But it does not hurt anymore thankfully.
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