a sad story
Yesterday on the bus a little boy was crying. And he would not stop. I sat next to him and put my arm around him and asked him what was wrong. He said he didn't want to come and then kept crying. When we got to church I took him to class and on the way I stopped and talked with him. He told me the saddest thing. After his dad had promised him that he would be here this weekend and that they could play together (the kid is in second grade) his dad left and did not come back. The kid was crushed. We got him involved in jr. church and he soon forgot about what was going on at home but then when we took him home he started crying again. It made me think that sin does not just hurt you it hurts other people. This dad left and it hurt his son. The things that we do hurt other people. You may not realize it but everything you do has consequenses some how or other. what you do or say could help some one or it could hurt someone. So next time before you do anything think about it. Is it going to hurt someone??? Is it the right thing to do??? And please remember this little boy in your prayers.
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