Saturday, October 28, 2006

I talked to my sis on the phone tonight and she finally emailed me a picture of squash. She is very cute. She also sent me a song in spanish that I am going to learn so I can teach the kids on the bus it. That will be fun because I don't speak spanish so I will be pronouncing all the words wrong. But at least they will be learning spanish sorta. =)


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost a perfect post...
But when you used the word "it" at the end of that one sentence through everything off. Drink Sprite and TRY AGAIN!

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I made a mistake. I meant "threw" That just goes to show you that not everyone is perfect...except for my girlfriend.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Me said...

who is your girlfriend??? When did yall start going out??? You need to tell me this stuff


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