Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Banquet

Tonight is the church Christmas Banquet I am babysitting the kids from ages 3 and down. It will be a lot of fun I am sure. We are going to have Pizza (cheese) for the little kids and the good food for the adults. (I am eating the good food) We are watching movies and what not.

I did not go to school today. I went for a little while and then at 11:00 I got out and went shopping. I got lunch for my parents and then we talked about were I am going to go to college. I am not sure were I want to go but I do have an idea.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Angela said...

So what is your idea for college?

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Me said...

I think I will go to either West Coast or Champion but I am leaning strongly toward West Coast sorry crown is not an option right now


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