Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Bible

Have you ever been strugling thinking about something and praying about something and just not seeing an answer to it. I was like that last night and so I read my Bible (I do read my Bible but this was not my normal devotions it was just to read because I needed answers) right before I started reading I asked God to show me what to do and guess what the first verse I read answered the question for me and as I continued to read I got more and more answers. I was so happy. I did not want to stop reading. For any of you who are having a problem with something reading the Bible really does help. You would be suprised verses you have read a hundred times before will stand out to you with a totally new meaning.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Toy said...

I do believe that Squash will stay with the Dorr's. They'll only be out of the country for a few days.


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