Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Yesterday was my dad's birthday. We got him the new pirates of the caribbean move. It was good. I did not like the ending but I did like the rest of it.
I have to finish christmas shoping. I just had a wonderful idea of how I can get sombody something. Nevermind.
Has anyone switched to the new format thingy. I did today. I think it is ok I only did that like 2 min ago.
I got this chex mix today and it has little m&m's in it but they taste good not like the usual fake ones in some foods.
I get a Christmas package in the mail today from my grandparents. I know what I got. It is not hard to guess.
How cool is this color I am bored can you tell. =)
As the title says this is totally randome but that is ok because I am Stef and I am random


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