Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The American Flag

Has anybody heard about the teacher in Kentucky who burnt 2 American flags on Friday? Aperently he is a History teacher who was teaching his 7th grade civics class about freedom of speach and to provoke his students to think he took them outside and burnt two American flags. He then told his students to ask their parents what they thought. And the parents got very mad as they should. Freedom of speach is a fine thing but you should be proud of the fact that your an american and you should be proud of the flag that hangs over our country. It is not something that we just got we had to fight and men had to die to give us that flag and it should not be treated lightly. I think that the teacher who burnt the flag should be fired as do some of the parents but because of the world we live in I don't think that he will. Which is sad but people have a problem and we need to change the world and it takes one person at a time.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Toy said...

It's not just our country!! Our flag represents us. It's our flag!!!

I get so mad when I hear about people burning our flag!!! It is representing us and the people who died for US!! Good CRUD!!

Do they realize how disrespectful that is?! It's the epitome of disrespect and it makes me irate. If there's anything I hate worse than people who burn flags its...its...well it's NOTHING!

They are burning something that our ancestors worked hard and gave their LIVES for so that we could have the opportunity to BURN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! have no idea. Grrr....


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