Friday, August 25, 2006

Miniture Golf

Hey everybody. We had fun at miniture golf however we were behing there really slow people who took forever I felt so bad for the people behind us there were about 8 groups of people (us included) all waiting to go and these people were so slow. I did a horible job golfing so if anybody ever needs an ego boost just go miniture golfing with me I got 58 points the only person who did worse then me was Niss and she got 68 everyone else was getting in the 40's. It was a lot of fun though and then latter we did thte batting cages. Tim only hit like 2 of the balls. Even I did better then that. But all in all it was a fun night. We had bacin pizza I love that kind of pizza and we also went to Dunkin Donuts which was fun Kayla go ice cream all over herself and Mrs. Starr it was funny to watch. If anybody is old enough to be in the youth group that is not in the youth group it is a lot of fun and I sudgest you come on out and see what we do. Yup Yup. (I will have pictures of us Miniture golfing and what not up sometime this weekend.)


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