Sunday, October 29, 2006

69 Kids

We had 69 kids on the bus today!!!!!! It was so awsome. The cowboys bus had 39 people and the redskins had 28 then we had 2 more kids drive in they did not count for the compitition but they counted as kids on the bus. SO we had 69 kids. That is exciting but then during jr church I got to lead a girl to the Lord. I was so excited today. We took all the kids on a hay ride after church then we fed them hot dogs. It was so awsome and I was happy. It was a very happy day today.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I talked to my sis on the phone tonight and she finally emailed me a picture of squash. She is very cute. She also sent me a song in spanish that I am going to learn so I can teach the kids on the bus it. That will be fun because I don't speak spanish so I will be pronouncing all the words wrong. But at least they will be learning spanish sorta. =)

Noah's ark

I found some very interesting information last night. I think I would love to study about Noah's ark. I think that if I could do an extra credit report on something that would be it. I am even thinking about doing some resurch on it for my own sake. People have said that they have seen it and climbed on it. How awsome would it be to say that you have stepped on Noah's ark. This thing is very old and reportedly perfectly preserved because it is under ice for about 10 months out of each year. I found some noce pictures but I could not put them up here. However if you go to google and look up under images and type Mt Ararat you will see some very awsome pictures. I would love to go there one day it is very very pretty.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hay Ride

I like hay rides. We are taking the bus kids on a hay ride on Sunday. I think it will be fun. What we are probley going to do is have one bus eat lunch and play in the "mini maze" while the other bus rides the corn maze then vise versa. It should be a lot of fun. We are doing it at the place where we did the corn maze. That corn maze is really really eazy but it was fun. If you want a really fun maze you have to go to the one on the eastern shore. Plus you have to do a corn maze in the dark which we really didn't do.


I do not like doctors. I hurt my wrist in a vollyball game a few weeks back. And I knew it was injured but not broken more then that I did not know so I went to the doctor figuring that after 2 weeks something might actually be wrong with it and that he could tell me what was wrong and how to fix it. Nope he told me there are 2 bones in my wrist/arm and the names of them (ulna and radius) which I already knew from Biology then he told me there is tissue in between the two bones (another thing I knew from Biology) and he told me I hurt that tissue which I did not know (I thought I had done something to a bone on my arm) but he does not know how to fix it so instead I have to wait for 1 or 2 more weeks and if it does not get better then I go to a specialist. Goody I am not looking forward for that. Anyhow today my arm hurt so bad I could not move it and the office did not have ice so I was in pain all day. But it does not hurt anymore thankfully.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


A few weeks ago we had a scavenger hunt and My team won. The prize was getting to go out to lunch with the Starrs. We (me and christina) are trying to get P Starr to take us out this Friday. There is the osibility we might miss part of Biology. Plus this way it would be easier for him cause he would not have to find a sub for his Bible class. We figured that if Christal could not come (no offense christal) he could give her some money to go out. Allbiet that is not as much fun. But I don't know if he is going to do that he might take us out on a Saturday or Sunday or make us wait till next week.

Next week we are going to have about 20 people in our house. The whole weekend (night and day). I think that it will be fun but hectic. The whole Lacombe family (7) and the Harris family (6) and the Shafer family (5) So to be exact there is 18 people in out house but that is still a lot of people. We all get along well though and I dont think it is suppose to be that cold so we can go outside.

I am going to empowered youth. There was talk that I might not be able to go for different reasons however today my dad said that I could go. Also a friend of mine from school is going and another person is posably going. Please pray that this other person does go. It would be good for them.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Old Fashioned Day

Today is old Fashioned day. This morning after the service we had a potluck lunch. There was a lot of good food. There were like 3 or 4 different chilli things they were good. Then there was other stuff too. We had the money in the hay thing and the guys threw pumkins. It was fun. I don't have any pictures because in my rush out of the house I forgot my camera but I think my dad got some. The choir is singing a bunch of songs tonight.

On the bus today the Cowboys had 21 people and the redskins had 17 plus we had 6 visitors and 1 parent so I think that we won. I was excited. I think the last week is the 20th of November.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Yesterday was so much fun. First we went on visitation and there are at least 2 prospective stops for the bus. Then we did a scavenger hunt.

We all went to Wendys for lunch then went back to the church were we split up in teams. My team was me Christina Christal and Zach. The other team was Tim Maxx and Davey. So we were given this list of things we had to got or do or take pictures of. There was one were a member on your team had to pick there nose and you had to get a picture of it stuff like that. We could go anywere we wanted the only thing was we had to walk. So my team left the church and went to kings ransome the nelsons were not home so we started nocking on doors. That was fun some randome lady gave us like half of the stuff we needed. Then the Davis's wern't home so we went to the Farrells. He gave us a lot of stuff too. Then we went to the marc train station and took a picture of the trains. Then we went to 7,11 and the crab galley to get the stuff we needed. Then to my house to get the rest of the stuff and then back to church. Needless to say my team won. We get lunch with the starrs sometime soon.

After that we met for the bus stuff. That was fun we decorated our busses (ours looks so much better then the other bus) Cowboys vs Redskins. Then we went to a corn maze. Me and Kelli led our group threw and we beat the boys. It was a lot of fun. The corn maze on the eastern shore is better but this one was good.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Something to think about

I have a question can you tell someones walk with God by what they wear??? Is whats in the heart the only thing that matters or does whats on the outside matter too??? I heard the other day someone say "your walk with God is more important then what you wear" but here I have a thought would you be wearing skin tight jeans and really small shirts if you have a good walk with the Lord??? Now you may say "well you shouldn't judge someone you can't see there heart" and that is true but think about this if you want to serve the Lord and really want to see people saved then shouldn't you look like you care more about yourself then about what the guy across the street thinks of your figure. Here is soemthing another person said "I am normal I wear pants" now does or does not the Bible say we are a peculiar people??? here are some verses that talk about that

Deu 14:2 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.

Deu 26:18 And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments;

Tts 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

So if we are "normal" then are we a christian of better yet if we are "normal" then our walk with God can't be that great can it??? Because if we are to havea walk with God then we need to be peculiar people. I'm not saying be a geek or dress like you from the 70's I'm saying dress modestly. I have done a little studying and I have read (more then once) that the word modest means a long flowing garment. Now you can make this to mean what you want it to mean I have been told that coulots are not modest because you can see up them but you can only see up them when you are doing things that mabey you should not be doing.

I am not trying to be judgmental at all in this it is just something you might like to think about.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Old Fashion Dress

As most if not all of you know old fashioned day is coming up for church and everyone is spoce to dress up in old fashioned clothes. Well I got my dress. It is awsome. It lookes medieval. Liz you would be jelouse if you saw it. It is really nice. It is blue and lacy and has black things with shiny things. and it has a hoop skirt thing for underneath it to make it poof out. I will take a picture and put it on here after old fashioned day cause you can't see it before then. Sorry to all of you people who have to miss out on old fashioned day. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I have to memorize this for History class.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I am sure it is good to know but uggg. I do have most of it down. I have to pass the thing though cause my history grade is not that good.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


do you remember as a kid eating warheads??? I do (I still am a kid but that does not matter) and I really wanted some so guess what I did. After looking at everystore imaginable (and not finding them) I went online and bought some. They wont be here for a week or so but they are coming and that is all that matters. Also I found a really great fundraiser while I was looking for them so you might see warheads show up at school sometime in the future.

Monday, October 02, 2006

a sad story

Yesterday on the bus a little boy was crying. And he would not stop. I sat next to him and put my arm around him and asked him what was wrong. He said he didn't want to come and then kept crying. When we got to church I took him to class and on the way I stopped and talked with him. He told me the saddest thing. After his dad had promised him that he would be here this weekend and that they could play together (the kid is in second grade) his dad left and did not come back. The kid was crushed. We got him involved in jr. church and he soon forgot about what was going on at home but then when we took him home he started crying again. It made me think that sin does not just hurt you it hurts other people. This dad left and it hurt his son. The things that we do hurt other people. You may not realize it but everything you do has consequenses some how or other. what you do or say could help some one or it could hurt someone. So next time before you do anything think about it. Is it going to hurt someone??? Is it the right thing to do??? And please remember this little boy in your prayers.