Monday, August 28, 2006

Revival Meeting

Revival Meetings started yesterday and the whole youth group compitition started last night. Guess what I did on the first night. I slept in without realizing it (I fell asleep while reading a book) and was 30 seconds late to servises. So I got a point docked of for that yes it is sad. But o-well I talked to one of my teachers today and she said her and her kids would be my visitors. YEAH And tonight they are giving out prayer journals. They are very nice too (I saw them in the office).

Saturday, August 26, 2006

pictures from mini golfing

ok so here are the pictures from mini golfing I am not putting a lot of them up here cause you need to go to the teen web page to see them all

Friday, August 25, 2006

Miniture Golf

Hey everybody. We had fun at miniture golf however we were behing there really slow people who took forever I felt so bad for the people behind us there were about 8 groups of people (us included) all waiting to go and these people were so slow. I did a horible job golfing so if anybody ever needs an ego boost just go miniture golfing with me I got 58 points the only person who did worse then me was Niss and she got 68 everyone else was getting in the 40's. It was a lot of fun though and then latter we did thte batting cages. Tim only hit like 2 of the balls. Even I did better then that. But all in all it was a fun night. We had bacin pizza I love that kind of pizza and we also went to Dunkin Donuts which was fun Kayla go ice cream all over herself and Mrs. Starr it was funny to watch. If anybody is old enough to be in the youth group that is not in the youth group it is a lot of fun and I sudgest you come on out and see what we do. Yup Yup. (I will have pictures of us Miniture golfing and what not up sometime this weekend.)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The American Flag

Has anybody heard about the teacher in Kentucky who burnt 2 American flags on Friday? Aperently he is a History teacher who was teaching his 7th grade civics class about freedom of speach and to provoke his students to think he took them outside and burnt two American flags. He then told his students to ask their parents what they thought. And the parents got very mad as they should. Freedom of speach is a fine thing but you should be proud of the fact that your an american and you should be proud of the flag that hangs over our country. It is not something that we just got we had to fight and men had to die to give us that flag and it should not be treated lightly. I think that the teacher who burnt the flag should be fired as do some of the parents but because of the world we live in I don't think that he will. Which is sad but people have a problem and we need to change the world and it takes one person at a time.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Have you ever looked at a storm and thought wow that is awsome and then think that you know the person who made that storm. I think storms (thunder storms) in perticular are awsom eand powerful things that very few people really admire the beauty of. But even from the scientific aspect all these electrical things going to each other like little magnets it is awsome. God created an awsome univers and we can say that we live in it and if you think about it a thunder storm is just a little demonstration for us of Gods real power. Don't we live in an awsome place.

Monday, August 21, 2006

First day of School

So school was not to bad today. I have study hall first thing in which I can do all my homework if I procrastinate which I won't cause I'm not a procrastinator HAHAHA but then I have History, English Biology lunch Bible Math Comp Lab then I go home for the day. So as I said not a bad schedual at all. I also have Mrs. Mobley as my math teacher. I was going to have Mrs. Noris but then we had to switch the time of my class and then the time we switched it to Mrs. Noris is teaching english in so they said Mrs. Mobley would teach which I don't care either way so I am happy. We also have two new students. One is named Samantha she is in my math class and most of my other classes too. She is very quiet but I think she is shy cause she is really nice when you talk to her. The other is named Tashiana she is also nice but I didn't talk to her very much cause we have almost no classes together. But thats OK I will try to talk to her more tomorrow. Just think in two years I wont have school any more and I will be in california. Yall all wish you were going there and you know it but HAHAHA you arn't HA naw I'll be nice I am sure crown is a very nice college. It just isn't West Coast and theres nothing you can do about that. O well =)

What people wear

We went to kingsdominion the other day and some of the things people wear are disgusting. Have you ever thought that mabey people don't want to see your whole body. No joke I saw this girl in a mesh shirt. I am sure you know what mesh is. It was gross you could see all creation. I don't want to see that. I dont like mesh as it is but to wear it as a shirt. GROSS there were other people too one lady had on a pair of jeans about 4 or 5 sizes to small with holes cut into it I'm sure you can picture what it looked like but it wasn't very pretty. I could go on all day about stuff like that but I won't I will mearly say that I am glad my parents raised me the way the did and tought me to dress the way they did
Thanks Mom and Dad

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bat in the house

We had a bat in our house yesterday. It was really cool. It was kinda scary because he was flying over our heads but he was not scared of us at all. This is actually the second bat we have had in our house we had one thursday night as well but I slept threw that one but I did get video of the bat last night it is not very good though so I won't put it on here I am not the best photographer in the world. O well.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Stuff (I don't just talk about 1 think so it is hard to make a title)

The picture of the person hanging on the door is Becca. I think she is going to come to the Bill Berhens meetings at least once. She like the idea of getting to put MD breakfast on Pastor Starrs head. I hope she come cause she is not coming to school this year but thats ok.
The picture of the person on the bed is me at reteriet. Becca took it. I took the one of her =)
I was talking to my homeroom teacher tonight at the oreantation (sp) and she was saying that she thinks each day one of the students will have to do a devition in a rotation schedual. I think that would be cool.
Also I found out that there is a new 11th grader. They thought she was 10th but shes 11th and David registered so we arn't an all girls class anymore. The new kid is a girl but Davids not. So we have 8 in our class and we have homeroom with the 10th graders who have 6. So I think it will be fun. Ther arn't to many new kids. And the closer school gets the more I think I am ready for it just so I can get it over with. Yes I graduate next year just so all of you know. I plan to go to West Coast Bible college. You can visit there web page at and If anyone wants to get me a birthday present they can get me a CD. There are a few I really like. But whatever. I zm going to be 17 aahhhhhhhhhh I am getting old. I am going to have gray hair soon. that really stinks. Then I will Have to color my hair. Hopefully that won't be to soon. =)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Me and Liz

This is a picture of me and Liz at her graduation. I thought it was cute. The other one is Liz making cottan candy at the lighthouse club carnival. If you look close enough you will see the cottan candy in her hair.


AHHHHHHHHHHHH School starts in 3 days. That is so not cool. I am not excited at all. But I have a good schedual. Math then History then English or Science then the other then Lunch Bible Studyhall Computer and I'm done for the day. Plus I have my messanger bag that is really cool. It is black and is so muck better then my sisters. After this year I only have 1 year left then I am done. Yup Yup. I got to help order the vollyball jersies. He hasn't order them yet but if he orders the ones I chose they look really nice.

The second week of school we are having Bill Berhens meetings. Everyone is invited and you can all be my guests cause if you come as my guest and I win then I get 75 dollers to go shopping. And I get to go out to dinner with the starrs and the 2nd place winner wherever I choose. So if you come tell them you are my visitor and I will greatly appretiate it. And so will you you will get to hear Bill Berhens preach he is really awsome. So come on out. Yup Yup

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This is really cool. It is stuff you would not notice but then when I watched it I thought hey thats cool. I got it from my sis. She had been ranting and raving about it so I figured I would go and look it up for myself. It is about pictures in Lebanan. Aperently people are messing with the photos to make them look worse then they really are. They also have people acting like things happened that didn't or posing for pictures. It is very fasinating but I can't believe people would do that. They need to get a life thats what I think.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


I just got back from Wal Mart. I had to get sock things for school. Ugg I dispise the things that I have to wear this year. But that is ok. School starts a week from Monday. Mr. Davis was laughing about it today at church. Thats ok I am still working through school and I am playing vollyball and possible soccer. That will be fun. I hope I am the captain of the girls vollyball team. We are also spoce to be doing a drama. I don't know who is directing it or even if they have any plans for it. I just hope it is not another murder mistery. I will act in it either way though. I know what classes Im taking and know what teacher is teaching me what. It should be a good year. If only we could were socks. =)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

New York


I just got back from NY. It was a lot of fun. We were in the middle of nowere but we got to swim in the creek and do things like that so really we had a lot of fun. The pastor had a trapoline that we all jumped on too. I did not get to many pictures. I don't know why but I didn't. School is about to start again. I really dont want it to but then I only have one more year after this year then I am going to college. I am going to go to California for college.